Books and Copyright

Books and Copyright

Gianni Perilli (2019)
“Alzheimer in famiglia: prevenzione e gestione”
issued by Fondazione Perilli Alzheimer, Monza (MB), Italy
Gianni Perilli (2019)
“Alzheimer’s in the family: preventing and coping”
GP Dementia Services New York: New York, NY
Gianni Perilli (2018)
“Alzheimer’s, Healthy Lifestyles and Mediterranean Diet”
GP Dementia Services New York: New York, NY

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The author offers a multifaceted work. In the first chapter, he answers FAQs asked in last 13 years by family caregivers of person suffering from dementia or relatives who were afraid of inheriting the disease. All the answers, even if scientific evidence-based, are expressed in simple language, for non-experts. In the second chapter, the author suggests, and explains how to follow, healthy brain lifestyles associated with a reduction in the risk of dementia. An innovative pattern to support Alzheimer’s patients living at home is also described. This model allows them to live normally in the community of a Parish (but it could be another place), participating in programs where they mix with their peers who are without similar deficits. This is a unique experiment, which, despite all its limits, is worthy of being developed because it emphasizes integration and dignity rather than segregation and loneliness. The third chapter is about Mediterranean diet, its unknown background, what it really is and what its health benefits are.
Gianni Perilli (2016)
“Medication Reconciliation Puglia”
Bari, (Italy). Poligrafica 2C
Gianni Perilli (2011)
“Root Cause Analysis Proattiva”
Milan, (Italy). Il Sole 24 ORE Sanità.
Gianni Perilli (2010)
“Gestire l’Alzheimer”.
Milan, (Italy). Il Sole 24 ORE Sanità.
Gianni Perilli (2009)
“Proactive Root Cause Analysis. Raccomandazioni in tema di rischio clinico per direttori di struttura complessa”
Andria, (Italy). ASL BAT
Gianni Perilli (2007)
“Le morti evitabili e la FMEA”
Andria, (Italy). ASL BAT
Gianni Perilli (2007)
“Autodiagnosi organizzativa di un provider ECM”
Milan, (Italy) Il Sole 24 ORE Sanità.
Gianni Perilli (2002)
“I medici pugliesi del terzo millennio tra qualità e aziendalizzazione”
Milan, (Italy). Franco Angeli.
Gianni Perilli (2017)
“Il Padre che non sapeva il mio nome”
Bari (BA), Italy
Gianni Perilli (2008)
“Dementia Diary”
Washington, D.C., USA, Library of Congress